We are sunsetting CodeConvo on 5 Jul 2024.

Slack your team without leaving VS Code

CodeConvo is a VS Code extension that makes it easy to send code to your colleagues on Slack without interrupting your flow

Seamless connection with Slack

Connect with Slack in a single click. There is no need to create your own Slack app, mess with tokens or settings.

Highlight code in VS Code

Send any line of code or code block from VS Code directly to Slack via a handy VS Code command.

Choose any Slack channel or DM

Send code to any channel or person in your Slack alongside your message. We will automatically attach the code block, line number and file path to save you time.

Send to Slack without leaving VS Code

Get back to your work without ever having to leave VS Code. Your message has been sent to Slack.

Use cases

Developer onboarding

You have the most questions when learning a new codebase. CodeConvo gives you the context you need whilst making it super easy to ask questions.

Developing Features

Easily ask questions about code without interrupting your flow when developing new features or debugging. See response inside VS Code as they come in.

Tech Debt Tracking

With CodeConvo you can easily annotate and share parts of code that contain technical debt or need to be refactored.


How much does it cost?
The VS Code + Slack extension is free to use. However, we might introduce paid features and products in the future.

Do I need Slack admin approval?
If your Slack Workspace has App Approvals enabled, you will need to ask someone with Slack Admin permissions to approve the CodeConvo application for the first time. Once the application is approved, anyone in your Slack Workspace will be able to install and use CodeConvo without restrictions.

I can simply copy and paste code. Why should I use CodeConvo?
CodeConvo removes steps from the process of sharing code with colleagues such as having to open Slack and locate the right channel, format pasted code and describe the vital context such as where the code came from. With the CodeConvo application you can share code with a simple VS Code command and context such as the file path, line number and repository will be automatically appended by the extension. This makes code sharing via CodeConvo more seamless, time-effective and reduces disruption to your flow.

Have other questions? Get in touch with us.

Download CodeConvo for free

Simplify your coding and collaboration workflow with our free VS Code Slack extension.

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